Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Birther Issue: Why it's NOT OVER

10. Sure, the birth certificate shows Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii. But how do we know this is the same guy? Have you been with him every moment from 1961 to present?

9. Sure, the birther thing started out with people who thought he wasn't a citizen BECAUSE he was born in Hawaii, but Hawaii wasn't yet a state, so ... But a full examination reveals that he isn't a citizen because Hawaii isn't REALLY a state. They just brought it in so we could have an even number of stars on the flag.

 8. BHO. What kind of initials are BHO? That's presidential disqualification right there.

7. His ears are too big for a president. (Sure, George Washington's ears were bigger, but he hid them behind a powdered wig.)

6. He's too confusing to be president. Every time he says, "Let me be clear, " he isn't clear. It's very confusing.

5. What kind of a name is BARACK? Jewish? Don't want to be seen as anti-Semitic, but Israel has paid people to spy on the U.S. Is he an anchor baby for Tel Aviv?

4. As a side note, where was Joe Biden born? Can you PROVE it?

3. Kids who want to grow up to be President are not allowed to leave the U.S., and Barry Soerto lived in Indonesia for like, a LONG time.

2. There was a temporal causality loop: (See Star Trek: The Next Generation Season Five, Epipsode 20, Cause and Effect for fuller explanation) over Hawaii that day, and he was actually born 20 years earlier, then delivered back in time to his mother, so he's actually 69 years old, but born in the TERRITORY of Hawaii.

1. Anybody can make up any piece of paper on the Internet, get it certified by state officials in Hawaii

But the real reason it isn't over yet ...