Friday, April 2, 2021

More on my eye

For anyone wondering what I was babbling about when I talked about my vision the day AFTER I had the cataract removed, take a look at this picture. It's the same picture on both sides.

The pic on the right is how the colors looked out of my right eye — after that cataract had been removed.

The pic on the left is how the colors look in my left eye, which still has a cataract in it.

I have no idea whether the cataract in the right eye was equally as bad, worse, or better.

And this has nothing to do with how well focused anything is. Just what it reported to my eye as the color representation. 

You might not be able to tell, but if you look at the whitest areas (the table and the trim on the wall_ the white on the left isn't quite as white as the white on the left.

I put a completely white block layer over the left side of the picture, than made it about 30 percent transparent. Because that is what the cataract basically is. A crystalline cloud on the lens of your eye.

I go back in a couple of weeks and the doctor will tell me how it is doing and if it is stable enough to get a check on the focus, and see if I can get a new contact lens just for the right eye.

Anyway. This is my boy and his Uncle Johnny from Dec. 14, 2014, when John visited for some Cub Scouting event related to the Pinewood Derby.

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